New plan

flowers, plants, typewriter

New plan. New way. This time I'm going to listen to myself. All those feelings and those inner pulls are already there. Every day, I see what I want to do, but I don't do it. I duck away and do other things. That is easier but more painful. Every time, it feels like the day wipes away, but I just choose different things. I just did other things. Different things than what I wanted for myself. So now we're going to draw a line through that. I can listen to those inner-loving ideas. Convert those wishes and dreams into plans. Don't duck away anymore. No, go for it! Jump into the deep end and run after the sun.

That starts here, with writing. Everything, write everything down. I can do this. I can do this. Everything, everything is good. Flow with everything. Feel it flow and go. Feel the energy taking over you. Type and write faster than ever before. Act and think. And make music. Move. And sing and make the most beautiful things. Act on the dreams. Make art of your life, of your day. That's it, all it takes. Can I do this forever? To write? And make art? Is this possible? Now, that would be magical.


Lost, but wondered


Learning, boundaries, and asking questions