Taking a step back
Taking your time can feel wrong. When you see the world moving so fast and all you do is try to keep up. All those tiny steps you take are easily overlooked because the results take time. These steps are also small results. Even though they might look unimportant. They are the stepping stones that are necessary for the bigger results. Unimportant things we judge too harshly are honestly as important as we view them. Our perspective is the creation of our experience. So when you feel like you are too slow. You are properly too hard on yourself. Slow is forward too. Slow is okay too. Slow is progress and it can be less stressful if you allow yourself to enjoy the process.
When we are pushing ourselves too much for too long, eventually our body or a part of our life will be affected. We can get health issues that make sure we need to slow down. But even when our body starts to talk to us. Do we listen? Do we stop? Sometimes we keep on going blindly after our goals. The thing is we don’t always have to have everything finished. Because when we finish something, something else automatically starts again. The cycle will just continue. Nothing ever just stops. Live goes on and on and on. We can wait for a moment until you finally have a minute to breathe. When you think you can just fully let go of everything and not worry at all.
But waiting and working only for that moment can be stressful and even blinding to what you have at the moment. There are always moments in between the rush, work, and deadlines. Moments you can take in. You can look around and enjoy the air you breathe. The sounds you hear, The laughter of people nearby. The rain ticketing on your window. The light that shines down on you. The safe place you are right now. The things you do have. Things you have accomplished. There are definitely things to be grateful for. These things can bring you back to the moment. And when you remember this, you can find yourself being calmer and somehow not worrying anymore.
You just took a moment to be grateful, and that makes life a whole lot lighter. Don’t take it all so seriously, especially yourself. You say things you don’t mean and do silly things even when you don’t notice it. Life is beautiful. Take time to take it in. This is your time. We don’t have to feel guilty for slowing down. For breathing some air. For doing it our own way. Your path is yours. Slow down when you need to. Listen to your body, even to your mind. When it is going crazy take a step back. Are you actually in danger right now? If so breath, if not breathe. Only when you calm down you can take a conscious step forward.
This time is yours so don’t you dare give it away to anything that does not serve you. And please do take time to slow down. To evaluate. To enjoy, To experience, to feel, to see, to do what you want to do.